Saturday, May 10, 2008

Aids began to arrive in Yangon from international communities, but the
military personels took all of them with the army trucks and store in
their government buildings and storerooms. People in Yangon wonder if the
homeless civilians will ever get anything out of those aids through the

The aids-group are not allowed by the Junta officers to stay in the land and
sadly returned at 9:15 am this morning.

Qatar Amiry 6 (VIP Flight a ni), A-310 had brought about 3 tons of the
Medical equipments with 62 doctors and journalists to Yangon Airport this
morning. The Junta officers refused their entry and help and told them to

The cyclone survivors in Yangon and around the province suffered much, and
the military government worsen their loss and sufferings. Do pray and help
in your possible means.